Soul Power Kinesiology
Soul Power Kinesiology Level 1 to Level 6 ‐ 96 hours
Soul Power Kinesiology combines the science of Kinesiology with the power of Energy Healing and the gentle Vibrational Healing of Colour.
Creating powerful wellbeing on all levels of our being. Balancing and harmonising the physical body, the mind and emotions, as well as our deeper spiritual purpose in life.
(Soul Power Kinesiology level 1 course AND Colour for Life level 1 course) – 16 hours
Prerequisites: No prerequisites required
Soul Power Kinesiology combines the science of Kinesiology with the power of Energy Healing and the gentle Vibrational Healing of Colour.
Learn how to use colour as a self awareness tool and for taking care of your own mental, emotional, and physical wellness and aligning to your true spiritual qualities and purpose in life. .
Each colour relates to various emotions, to various organs of the physical body, and helps create awareness of our deeper spiritual purpose in life.
Selected colours are interpreted to create a deeper awareness and understanding of the issues in one’s life, connecting to deep inner knowing. Apply these colours for vibrational energy healing on many levels.
Soul Power Kinesiology Level 2 – 16 hours
Prerequisites: Soul Power Kinesiology Level 1 (Foundation)
Use Kinesiology to help align the the subtle energy of the body which forms each person’s individual aura.
The etheric level of the aura forms the blueprint of the physical body,. You will discover the Geometric Patterns within this etheric template as you work with the etheric Lines of Energy and the various levels of the body’s Chakra Energy.
To enable work on this subtle energy of the body you will learn how to attune spiritually and connect to your inner guidance, as you attune to the Powerful, Positive Forces of the Universal Energy.
Soul Power Kinesiology Level 3 – 16 hours
Prerequisites: Soul Power Kinesiology Level 2
Continue the journey to discover more of the aura’s sacred geometric energy patterns forming the Light Body which surrounds our physical body (aura).
How to correct the physical body and nervous system functions with electro-magnetic energy, using your hands and colour. Magnetic Energy healing to balance the body’s electrical polarity.
Soul Power Kinesiology Level 4 – 16 hours
Prerequisites: Soul Power Kinesiology Level 3
In Level 4 Soul Power you will learn advanced Kinesiology techniques.
Kinesiology will identify where underlying stress is being held and what is needed to correct this..
The cause and age of cause can be identified and corrections made in relation to this age.
Kinesiology finger modes will identify whether the imbalance is:
- structural in the physical
- nutritional as a deficiency or sensitivity
- personal lifestyle or ecology
- emotional cause
- electrical and nervous system imbalance
- spiritual cause
Soul Power Kinesiology Level 5 – 16 hours
Prerequisites: Soul Power Kinesiology Level 4
- Advanced Kinesiology techniques
- More vibrational remedies
- Other colour vibrational essences
- Exploring other flower essence systems
- How to dispense the other vibrational remedies
- Working on the meridian energy system
- Working with crystals
Soul Power Kinesiology Level 6 – 16 hours
Prerequisites: Soul Power Kinesiology Level 5
Advanced Kinesiology techniques to develop and enhance a Natural Health Kinesiology Practice.
For any enquiries regarding Soul Power Kinesiology, please contact Academy of Healing Arts at .
Prerequisites for attending Soul Power Kinesiology courses
- Please see above for each level prerequisites
What do the Soul Power Kinesiology courses cover?
(Soul Power Kinesiology level 1 course AND Colour for Life level 1 course)
Foundation course (Soul Power Kinesiology Level 1 and Colour for Life Level 1) includes:
- Introduction to Kinesiology
- Introduction to Colour Therapy
- Counselling with colour
- Consultation process
- Colour Selection (using Unicorn colour system)
- Colour interpreting colour meanings
- Interpreting the participant’s chosen colours
- Determining colour remedies
- Application of colour remedies (using Unicorn Colour system)
- Meta-physical healing techniques
- Chakra Colour Balancing ( Using Unicorn Chakra Lights )
Soul Power Kinesiology Level 2
2-Day Soul Power Kinesiology Level 2 course Includes:
- Protection and clearing of energy fields for self and others
- Accurate muscle monitoring using a number of arm and leg muscles
- Chakra clearing and balancing on many subtle energy levels
- Balancing the Central, Physical and Spiritual Energy Lines
- Soul Power Kinesiology consultation procedures
- Personal consultation experience – experience the healing techniques for yourself
- Using kinesiology to select and interpret colour meanings on an individual level
- Using Kinesiology to determine appropriate colour remedies
- How to apply Colour as a remedy
- The use of Chakra Lights to open the chakras so they are functioning accurately for wellness
- The use of Rays of Light to align the body and aura and raise conscious awareness,
Soul Power Kinesiology Level 3
2-Day Soul Power Kinesiology Level 3 course Includes:
- More Soul Power Kinesiology Consultation procedures
- Personal consultation experience – experience the procedures for yourself
- Subtle anatomy “Light Body” balance
- Polarity balance- subtle energy healing of the body’s electrical system, using the electromagnetic energy flowing through your hands
- Massive Polarity reversals – eliminating sabotages that are holding you back
- Magnetic balance – to remove blockages of the life force, allowing the appropriate life force to flow within and around the body
- Centering – a self-balancing technique to remain strong and balanced
- Electrolyte Balance – the balance of electrolyte minerals and their availability for the body to use
- Colour Therapy using Rays of Light essences to balance the body and aura and raise personal self awareness or consciousness.
Soul Power Kinesiology Level 4
2-day Soul Power Kinesiology Level 4 course includes:
- Using Kinesiology to identify imbalances. Using Colour and etheric Energy work to correct the imbalances
- Kinesiology finger modes – a quick kinesiology method to identify types of imbalance
- Age recession using kinesiology to identify and correct imbalances at age of cause
- Centering -Identify and correct imbalances of the ability to remain centered, often caused by mild shock
- Hyoid testing – Identify and correct left/right brain dominance problems
- Gait Testing – Identify and correct disturbances in the co-ordination of muscles
- Cloacal testing -Identify and correct synchronisation of cranial and sacral movement
- Blood Chemistry – Identify and correct blood imbalances e.g. sugars, fats, uric acid, electrolytes . Does not replace medical advice.
- Emotional Stress Release
- Use Colour and colour meanings to identify and balance stress
- Use Chakras and their related functions to identify and balance stress
- Grounding – the ability to remain practical and connected to the physical activities
- Life Style Evaluation – Using kinesiology to identify optimum life activities – any that are needing to be added or changed
- Cranial Balance – identify and correct imbalance of the cranial bones
- Temporal Mandibular Joint (TMJ) – cranial bone imbalance and correction involving the jaw
- Fixations – identify and correct vertebrae out of position
- Full Light Body Balance in the etheric energy field
Soul Power Kinesiology Level 5
2-day Soul Power Kinesiology Level 5 course includes:
- Pain techniques using Kinesiology, etheric energy healing and colour
- In -depth Consultation Procedures – Optimum preparation, completion and clearing in a consultation
- Meridian Energy – work with Traditional Chinese Medicine 5- element colour system and Chi energy
- The Doctrine of Signatures – how nature has patterns and colours that align with the human body and can be used to balance the body and emotions.
- Erik’s Solar Essences and Elixirs – which all resonate with colour frequencies- a high vibrational method to assimilate colour into our energy fields.
- Bach Flower Essences – to create healing as described by Edward Bach as “change in outlook, peace of mind, and happiness”
- Essentic Forms – brain wave shapes considered to be the blueprint for each specific emotional state – used to balance emotions at a very deep level.
- Wounded Spirit -when there has been suffering at a very deep level affecting the soul.
- Maintaining clear energy fields
- Introduction to crystals/gemstones – their qualities, selecting, cleansing, charging, awakening crystals
- Crystal Layout – to cleanse the aura, release trauma, and connect to one’s own truth and power
- Balancing with kinesiology, crystals and colour
Soul Power Kinesiology Level 6
2-day Soul Power Kinesiology Level 6 course includes:
- Advanced kinesiology techniques to optimise the balancing process
- Circuit Retaining Mode
- Stacking Circuits, ,
- Frontal and Occipital holding
- Positive and Negative Emotional Energy
- Tapping Corpus Collosum,
- Temporal Tapping
- Eye Rotations
- The 12 Chakra Dimensions and 7 Levels of the Aura
- Pain Techniques using Etheric Energy
- Ho’oponopono – Hawaiian healing and transformation procedure
- Identifying Optimum protection for self and others
- Fine Spiritual Attunement
- Using Spiritual Wisdom
- Prayer and Spiritual Invocation
- Release inappropriate energetic ties from and to others
- Identifying Energy Drain – others to self/ self to others
- Protective force field for self or others
- Balancing with Sound
- Card of self change – card sets for self awareness and consciousness raising
- Completing the Balance – Extra techniques for grounding and closing down energy appropriately
For any enquiries regarding Soul Power Kinesiology, please contact Academy of Healing Arts at .