Soul Power Kinesiology/Colour for Life Training Workshop

Soul Power Kinesiology/Colour for Life
Training Workshop ‐ 40 hours

Five-day training for Professional Competence working with Soul Power and Colour for Life both as a Consultant and Instructor. presenting the Soul Power and Colour for Life knowledge and themselves professionally.

Personal Skills as a Consultant or Instructor, Ground Rules, Starting off a Group, Constructive Feedback, Peer and Self-Assessment, Nonverbal Behaviour Checklist, Body Structure – understand your audience, Addressing a Group, Positive Qualities, Group Rounds, Bill of Rights, Unicorn Colour Essences and Psychology, Colour Counselling with Unicorn Essences, Self-Responsibility Model, Active listening, The subtle use of Colour and Kinesiology with children, Maintaining Client Records, Marketing, Social Media, In your community, Phone


Prerequisites for attending Soul Power Kinesiology/Colour for Life Training Workshop

  • Soul Power Kinesiology Level 6 or
  • Colour for Life Level 3

What do the Soul Power Kinesiology/Colour for Life Training Workshop cover?

The Training Workshop covers Personal Skills as a Consultant or Instructor, Ground Rules, Starting off a Group, Constructive Feedback, Peer and Self-Assessment, Nonverbal Behaviour Checklist, Body Structure – understand your audience, Addressing a Group, Positive Qualities, Group Rounds, Bill of Rights, Unicorn Colour Essences and Psychology, Colour Counselling with Unicorn Essences, Self-Responsibility Model, Active listening, The subtle use of Colour and Kinesiology with children, Maintaining Client Records, Marketing, Social Media, In your community, Phone

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