Richard Rust
The Radiant Health Centre | The Wellington School of Massage Therapy
L3 James Cook Arcade Mini Tower, 294 Lambton Quay, Wellington |
04 473 7318 | 04 473 8788
I am passionate about helping people get back into balance and be the best they can be.
I help my clients, from babies to grandparents, experience life with less pain and greater ease at my Radiant Health Centre clinic in central Wellington. From a strong physical background in Contact Martial Arts, I started my clinical work with Massage developing a busy practice. And as seems to be my experience, I started seeing more clients for whom Massage work wasn’t achieving the results, and so a series of teachers showed up, and I trained in Clinical NeuroMuscular Therapy; Bowen Technique, NLP; Ortho-Bionomy; Touch for Health; Kinergetics; N.O.T., then T.B.M.
My learning journey has introduced me to many Masters in their fields who have each “inspired” me in ways I hope I can do for others – including clients and students. I teach through the vehicle of the Wellington School of Massage Therapy -which I set up in 1995. We have a team of tutors who support the School so we can continue to be Inspiring Leaders in Health Education, providing more effective skills & better choices.